Atrium Window Wizard Help—Introduction

What the Wizard Does

Wizards use a series of screens and windows to guide the user through complex procedures. The Atrium Window Wizard, for example, guides you through the process of creating quotes and orders, one step at a time. When you're selecting a product series for a quote, the Window Wizard only displays options that apply to that series, and if you enter a size measurement that won't work for a particular product, the Window Wizard tells you so, and also lets you know what sizes are available.

Window Wizard Menu Screen

All the various functions available to you are accessed by the above menu that will appear at the top of your screen, once you logon with your user id and password.

Types of Users

Buyer. Buyers are the most widespread group of system users. They can perform all Wizard functions except for the creation/editing of Customers and Accounts.

Quote Only. Similar to a buyer except for the fact that Quotes cannot be made into orders by that user. The quote only user will have to ask a buyer or manager to submit their quote as an order.

Restricted Quote Only. Similar to a Quote Only account except for the fact that Restricted Quotes can only see list price and the quotes the person created. The restricted quote only user will have to ask a buyer or manager to submit their quote as an order.

Manager. Managers can perform all functions of buyers, and can also create new Buyers, and promote a Buyer to Manager status.

System Administrator. These users are selected Atrium personnel who have control over, and responsibility for, all Wizard functions. They can create Customers, Accounts, and Buyers, as well as administer functions not provided by the Window Wizard, such as deleting Customers.

Printing Help Pages

Window Wizard Help pages are Web-based like the Wizard itself. Although the Web was not created with printing in mind, these help pages have been designed to provide good printed results for off-line retrieval. It has also been noted that the best print quality and page separation is achieved with Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. This is particularly important when printing quotes, as they look much better with Firefox.

Because the help menu and the content pages are in Web 'frames,' the important thing to remember when printing content pages is to click your mouse somewhere in the content page. When you select your browser's Print function—always available from the File menu, often available from your browser's menu bar—the content page(s) will print instead of the menu.

Getting Additional Help

If you need further assistance, call 1-800-672-5828 or click here to email our help desk. Please be sure to provide details of your problem and what specifically you were doing when the problem occured.